Monday, August 12, 2013

Fogs of War -Creative Response

In this world of dominating deeds
I'm colonised and pressured to confess.
I'm white and shine within crowds so bright,
Even though I was raised in dark lights.

Birthed in a place of diversity
White is brown
Brown is black
And black is white

Like the colours of the rainbow
Blurred and in-twinned
Once alone, no longer
We string strong ties

My ancestors were the colonisers
They misplaced their right of land
A mistake that faced furious fires
Then displaced others right to stand

It was the shivering hot coals
That kept my Great parents going
They stuck to greedy goals
Not knowing, they lost the greatest thing.

Stretching their hands far
The Old World grew vast
But mothers base withered away
Displacements disease spread fast.

New Zealand was colonised
Caused hurt and confusion
So many are marginalised
Identities now forgotten

Shadows are chased, beaten to hide
I understand, sympathetic
As I am made little
Like a candle surviving in the dark.

We may be on different sides
Separated by culture,
Linguistic language
And difference.

But where the end lies
No matter the feelings
Nor individuals eyes
One will always be above the other

Fighting fogs of war

Creative Response to;
    Grace Taylor -Navigating Spaces
    A Book and a Pen by Vaine Rasmussen


  1. Hi Naomi,
    You have been working hard.
    I see what you mean now when you described this as being a 'colonised by the colonised' piece.
    It does evoke images of my own childhood in South Auckland, for me, so I wonder if we share some experiences there (knowing that that's where you live).
    I do sense a sadness here, even though there are moments of strength, unity and community.
    I look forward to reading more.
    Esther :)

    1. The two stanzas in the middle, I made up as I was type it out. James mentioned being clear so it's understandable.

      What I was trying to say was, that in displacing others the colonisers have displaced themselves in this New World.
      Their identity has been forgotten. The Europeans that have colonised the land are no longer Europeans, they are Kiwi's.

  2. Yes, I see, and can identify with that as a 'Kiwi' myself.
    I feel I was 'placed' here, rather than feeling 'displaced' by events that have happened here.
    I feel I have inherited a lot.

    1. Yes, that would be a good way to put it.
      Which is why I have trouble figuring out my own identity. Kiwi is such a vague culture, it seems to be a bit of everything. As a kiwi you are basically taking others culture.
      So can you really call it your own if you inherited it?
