Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Creative Response - Point of No return

Point of No Return, Pesi Fonua

Eldest seed

We never thought that we would be a victim
Of neglect.
Tae ofa.
And poverty.
They were too young to understand why,
But I knew. I always knew.
The dream of a better future is what you said
I believe that at some point this was the main focus
But you went astray.

You probably met a beautiful Hawaiian girl, with a tan body and long black hair
You probably got her pregnant and put all of our money on our bastard brother or sister
Or were you afraid to return back to our mother?
Is it because the neighbors would hear her cuss you out?
Or is it because she was no longer beautiful?
Were the responsibilities to much?

Well, since you have been gone
I, a 17 year old do your job.
Leaving school three years ago because I never had school fees
Climbing the coconut trees for the taste of its flesh
Working in uta for some makioke and kape
Hunting a pig, killing then roasting it for dinner

I went to fai kava with no father
I over indulged in the muddy waters,
You were not there to stop me
I became a man without you
This was because I did all your jobs that you neglected to do.

Do you know we starve?
Do you know our mother prays and hopes every day for a letter from you?
Do you know we beg?
She often wonders what you think of our situation
And I know that you do not care.
You were a little voice in my ear
But throughout these years you have become mute
A distant whisper with no tone or volume
I do what it is best for my siblings
Until you return from your point of no return.
I will reject you, and put you on your ass for the village to see
A greedy and unwanted father who is nothing but worthless

Uncaring in the eyes of his eldest seed.

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