Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Way Home

This place is cold. Strange.
Not like home.
This place is foreign. Alien.
Not like home.

Uncertainty engulfs me.
Penetrates me.
Weighs me down.
It makes me sink in a sea of a strange language. Strange custom.
Where am I.

All I want, is to go home.

But, where is home?

Was it the place where I came into this world?
The place where I grew up?

Many HERE, tell me this is true.
But many THERE, tell me it is not.

No home?

If I have no home, then how can I know who I am?
Who I was? Who I am going to be?
If I have no home, then how can I know where I am from?
Where I am going?

What do they know? The ones here. The ones there.
They do not get to decide.

Only I decide.

Only I, know who I was.
Who I am.
Who I'm going to be.

Only this is true.

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